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Planes and Things

First off Im watching "My Crazy Obsession" and this 300+,30-something y.o man is wearing a onesie. Im very much uncomfortable. Anywho Im flying to Maryland on friday. Im afraid of flying, so I'm plan on drinking before hand. This weekend should be fun, hopefully i'll see my brother. I'm gonna miss my buggsy :(


Wow, Really?

I found a website were I can post some of my poems and short stories. I just checked my twitter and the same website is looking for writers and illustrators to contribute to a new book their putting together, so yeah. So I'm sitting on the toilet (my thinking place) and it hits me that I haven't written anything on paper in years :(. All my old stuff is gone or is hiding out in my dads basement. So I pull out my notebook and start writing, and it's horrible. I'm my own worst critic. It wasn't really forced but heh. My mind is so cluttered it's annoying. I have so many things going on internally that I don't know how to be happy and bubbly and shit. I pretend every things great but isn't that what everybody does? pretend every things good? anyway's, its not the end of the world and I will find my way out of this funk I'm in. Whatever I decide to write it doesn't have to be happiness and sunshine but what I have so far is slice your wrist depressing so I'm gonna chill. I wanna go away for about a week, I don't know where yet but maybe if I surround myself with different people something magical will happen and my head will clear or I could smoke some kush in my backyard



There's nothing going on with me right now, absolutely nothing.  This weekend was real chill. My dad came to visit for a day to spend some time with my niece. Sunday. It rained, it still is raining and I'm laying here in bed next to my snoring dog and watching "jersey shore" I'm babysitting later so it's going to be nothing but nick j.r for the next 9 hours. I've been trying to catch up on some reading. I'm re-reading "Pleasure" by Eric jerome dickey (I love him) and I bought several books on kindle, including "Dark eros" which I was obsessed with in high school. I'm not only reading erotic books, trust me. My goal to lose some weight is still going. I'm doing the p90x program which is fun. I have to really push myself so if this doesn't work I'm going to be super pissed. I've rediscovered Miguel, I heard "arch and point" first and decided to download  both of his mixtapes and then I bought his actual album. I quit cigarettes for the umpteenth time, but I'm serious this time. This whole post seems forced.


That's HipHop

I've watched this video a million times and it's never not funny

Miguel "All"

Dope song and Dope fucking video



I have a problem, I don't know how to just do one thing. to just focus on one thing is very fucking difficult for me. so I have this blog and in the beginning it was fun and I wrote honestly about what I was feeling and it was so easy because no one reads my shit (still don't) but I was ok with that because to me it was just a diary the anyone could stumble upon. Then I found out blogging could be a career, like you could make money off of stating your opinion and then I decided to try to jump on that bandwagon. I got bored with trying to turn this into a fashion blog so I decided to turn it into a beauty blog and that was a horrible idea. The point is I get bored easily and my little online diary was not fun anymore. Mainly because I wanted my little diary to turn into over night and when it didn't I said fuck it. Tumblr's so much more interesting. I don't have to post everyday but I'm on that bitch everyday just looking at whatever and listening to whatever. I want to change the name of this blog so much. Just delete it and start over.maybe