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My Hair is laid like a pineapple

Its been awhile. I have tons to say I just was to lazy to write about it. I didnt pay the yearly domain fee on time and so is no back on blogger. Im thinking about changing the name and I want to find a web designer to make everything pretty and sparkly, something that reflects my personality more. Im 30 now,which was scary to think about the days leading up to my birthday,but being 30 isnt that bad. Has turning 30 made me more mature? not really. I havent changed much but I do want to start making more positive changes in my life. I will admit I see things a little differently now. I lost interest in a lot of things I used to think were cool, now Im like "meh". I have missed writing on here, it was my escape at one time and then I just said forget this and started video recording my thoughts. While I do like spilling my guts out on photo booth, theres just something about typing out every emotion your feeling. I'm sleepy now so...yeah.