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This makes me sad


Ear Stretching (10g)

So I woke up this (technically yesterday morning) morning and noticed that my tunnel was missing. I googled to find out what I could do to stop this from happening, the info I found said it was ok to go up  to another size. Now I'm at a 10 gauge. I wasnt expecting it to go in so smoothly. I'm tempted to try a 8 gauge next week but we shall see. So far it's in pretty snug.


My thoughts on the upper cut fiasco

I've been in relationships with men who were violent towards me. I choose to use words and they choose to use their hands. I don't condone violence towards women/men. The whole upper cut by the bus driver incident is a bit different to me and heres why. People are crazy. If you approach someone in a aggressive manner expect for something bad to happen, this goes for both sexes. The majority would say " I would never" but how about the few who say "I don't give a fuck"? I remember in high school a incident were a girl smacked the fucking shit out of this boy, I mean her hand mark was clearly imprinted on his cheek. He didn't hit her back, actually he couldn't because teachers yanked him up quick before he could try. In the classroom everyone was talking about the situation and most of the boys (and some girls) agreed that he should have hit her back, saying she asked for it. I didn't care about the situation then, I just chaulked it up to some high school b.s. I'm pretty sure the young lady on the bus thought " oh he's an old man, he wouldn't try me" now look at the situation. I just hope that they both learned their lesson. The point I'm trying to get at is that thinking for other people is never a good idea. What could have been resolved in a non-violent way turned into something bigger then the both of them. I watched a little bit of a clip were the woman who was hit basically blamed the whole situation on the bus driver. While he was wrong for what he did, she also needs to take responsibility for her part and not just play the part of victim. The whole "I'm a woman, you can't hit me" card can't be pulled in situation's like this, especially when it's two adult strangers who knew exactly what they were doing.


I havent slept in 24 hrs and I have no desire to sleep now.I was up last night stressing about everything, like always. I watched the sun come up through my window and automatically thought about food. I really want some subway. A turkey sub with lettuce, tomatoes,green peppers, provolone, mayo,a pinch of salt and pepper with a big ass bag of doritos. Bad idea, so I had coffee. I'm still thinking about that sandwich. My ears are at a 12g now and I have tunnels in and not wearing a taper like I was before. I'm still trying to educate myself on stretching and asking mad questions. Today I just want to watch zombie movies and zone out, I'm tired of thinking. Theres a cat that sits on the trash bins outside that I've taken to. I fed it and gave it a name. The cat probably belongs to someone, I'm just guessing because the cat looks like it was being taken care of. I just have a soft spot for animals. I was outside drinking my morning coffee and it purred at me and let me pet it and I immediately thought "this cat needs my love" that is so sad. Why the hell am I writing about a cat?